Despite what some might think... I am more than a photographer, I am more than An Ol' Skool Dj, aspiring model or superficial Hollywood wannabe. I am actually a thinker.... I know I am a little late on the FB note game. but I have decided to start writing. I am always thinking, observing and usually either only vent to immediate friends or just join discussions when the opportunity presents itself. However, Ive heard the saying.. If I have at least touched one person, I have done my job. With that being said if someone might be going through this topic right now... Hopefully this helps some/..
I saw a friends FB status that said.. "WHY ARE PEOPLE SO SELFISH!" Im not sure why, but I felt obligated to respond. I think a lot of those that surround us everyday, think the same things, and ask the same questions as us. We just don't communicate. My response to this question and anyone else that might have been wondering the same thing is as follows:
"You will learn in life.. that you can never please everyone or even understand everyone for that matter. There will always be people around you with motives beyond the perceptions they exude. The saying goes, "keep your friends close and your enemies closer." in other words. Those who are "selfish" have always only look out for one person... themselves. If they have been around you... most likely it isnt because they were your friend to begin with.... but rather them keeping "their" enemy close.... so they could study, observe and figure out your secret to success... Even tho they have gained from your presence. Once the tables turn and you need a favor.... The selfishness that has always been in their heart..... simply presents itself and becomes more transparent...." Brandon McCaskill 2009
nice 1 buddy