A caterpillar has a few different stages of life.. All from which it gains new/different/fresh perceptions on life.
Starting off as an egg. it is completely innocent and pure. When it hatches it transforms into a caterpillar... still innocent but extremely inquisitive and curious. That can be a good and bad thing. It's great to want to learn and explore. but in the midst, sometimes it finds its

Once it has seen that everything in the world isn't so welcoming, everything isn't as it seems, everything that glitters aint gold... It begins to get more apprehensive about life decisions... Less trusting than the care-free spirit it once was... Once it's made so many mistakes to the point where it's afraid to make any decisions at all.. out of fear of making more... It withdraws from the world.... finding a safe, secluded spot and just rests.. meditates.... clears it's mind and before it realizes that it was once feeling pain beyond this world... It has transformed into a Cocoon.

It no longer blames the world for being the way it is.. It simply gains the knowledge on how to maneuver in it.

When it hatches out of its cocoon.... It is a brand new specimen.. Wings that allow it to fly over the life it once had to pull itself through. Even though it is now a beautifully, highly respected "butterfly" it has kept the same heart the entire process.. remembering it's journey... Wanting to help others with theirs and preparing to give life to the next batch of baby eggs.. Who will hatch and learn the ways of the world on their own.

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